Environ Health Associates, Inc (EHA) is a multifaceted environmental health consulting firm located in Central Florida. Formed in 2003,

EHA creates several types of food safety systems:

  • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems
  • Food Safety Plans (FSMA Preventive Controls)
  • Foreign Supplier Verification Program
  • Global Food Safety Initiative Programs (BRC, PGFS)
  • NSF
  • Primuslabs 
  • AIB

Roy E. Costa, R.S, M.S (M.B.A)., President of Environ Health Associates, is a Registered Sanitarian with 40 years of experience in the field of disease prevention, public health and education. Mr. Costa is a retired public health official, sanitarian,consultant and expert witness.

As President of Environ Health Associates, Inc., Mr. Costa has forged partnerships with